(800) 647-4130

Sheraton Flex Vacations - Property #120270

Located in Various Locations, U.S.

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This is a Sheraton Flex Vacations Plan ownership deeded 305,000 points per year - that's enough for several weeks of vacation each year at your choice of Sheraton Vacation Club resorts! An ownership this large is rarely available on the resale market... Make an offer now and enjoy a lifetime of vacations!!

With the Sheraton Flex Vacation Plan, you have a total of six deeded "home" resorts instead of just one. Use your Home Options points at the following desirable Sheraton resorts: Vistana Resort, Vistana Villages, Sheraton Beach Club, Desert Oasis, Broadway Plantation, and Sheraton Steamboat Springs! Enjoy the flexibility of choosing any unit size and the ability to book partial-week stays. Owning Sheraton Flex Vacations Home Points is an investment in family that you're sure to love!

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